It's Saturday and sunny in the studio! That is always good for encouraging fun design play. Remember a couple of posts ago when I was talking about the cool books by Kanako Yaguchi about paper cutting stencils? Well, of course I had to get her second book, The Art of Decorative Paper Stencils 2 (Quarry Books) because I was inspired by her first book and, well, you know how that goes! Find it here.
The thing that I really like about playing with paper-cut stencils is how it prompts more ideas for developing personal imagery. The digital layout above started this way...
First, I took a piece of paper, folded it once and randomly started cutting leaf-like shapes into it so it looked like this.
When I opened it up, I had a new shape.
From there, I traced a line around one edge of the image, extended the curvy lines, scanned that line into the computer (which could more easily be done if you have a Bamboo tablet to draw from, which I do but was too lazy to find) and that line was duplicated, flipped and joined to the other one. So, in essence, you have a symetrical design. The image was then filled in black, converted to a brush in PE7 and repeatedly stamped across my layout.
When I settled on my new image layout, I then stamped other brushes I created in white to create this distressed version with flowers, doodles, scratchy lines and other marks. This entire layout was transformed to a brush and I used it between some layers on the final image above.
hmmmmm.....I'm thinking new Thermofax screen????