Yes! It has taken me quite a while to get my "stuff" together here but I'm finally DONE!!! I am soooo excited to share with you my brand new website,, which incorporates my old blog (because I couldn't possibly part with it and all the content from 2008 to present)!
What an adventure it has been so far setting this up (and I'm not sure it's 100% perfect) but I'm really ready to go with it! The first offerings are MUGS, MOUSEPADS, and PILLOW COVERS. I have to give a huge shout out to Kathy Weller who's guidance has been critical as I make my way through this maze of e-commerce. Some of you may remember I used to sell my thermofax screens off of Etsy. Well, Etsy has come a long way since then and my next challenge is to also load up my products for sale there as well.
Did I mention, my shop has
YES!!! Everyday!!! Every item!!!
Hope on over and make sure to bookmark it! Although my designs are not for everyone, check back often as I will be adding new designs all the time and who knows what shape and form they may take! I am having a blast designing and exploring new ideas all the time. In fact, that is exactly what my 2018 intentions are all about. Creating happy, colorful, fun designs that I can put on products that you can actually use!
Yes, I's March almost! So I'm getting a late start but better late than never! Who doesn't use a mug? Or a mousepad? Ok, you may have way too many throw pillows right now but wait until you see mine!
These pillow covers are double-sided! You get 2 designs on one pillow cover! And the best part...these are COVERS with a hidden ZIPPER so you can give one of your old pillows a refresh!!! Just un-zip the cover, pop in your old pillow and zip it up! EASY! These pillow covers fit 18" x 18" pillows. I may add additional sizes down the road but for now 18" is it!
2018 Intentions
This year is going to be crazy; I can just feel it. There are changes coming whether I like it or not. I'll share more on that later. For now, the remaining part of this year is all about feeling good great, eating right, exercising walking, and SHARING! Sharing artwork, feelings, insights and FREE goodies wherever possible! It's also about LEARNING! Learning how to successfully operate an e-commerce site, how to maximize social media, how to create digital products for creative people and some not-so-creative people as well! Some free, some for sale. These are big intentions for sure and I hope you come along for the ride!
Make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and subscribe if you haven't already. You can also follow me right now on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. Check out the pretty social media buttons at the top of the page to get there! If you like what I'm doing and you have a bunch of questions, always feel free to reach out to me and I will respond within a day or so.
Thank you, Margaret
I am also changing things up. Our happy ever after retirement home in a small community with a bigger and better hobby space. I will purge and organize my space which will be geared towards learning, creativity and productivity. Of course I will need a new coffee mug, mouse pad and one or two or ten decorator pillows. All the best, My friend!