Studio Sunday, Lilla Rogers Workshop and New Tools

Hello!  Can I just tell you that I haven't ever drawn as much as I am currently in Lilla's Creating Collections for Home Decor workshop with Margo Tantau!!!  Three weeks into the five and I have a collection of imagery that I really love and can't wait to put it on products!  Here is another sneak peek.

I have a little transparency problem going on here but it will be fixed!  Do theses look like Holly Hocks? LOL  Once I have finalized the complete collection look book, I promise to share (at least part of it) :)  I am finally stretching myself and trying out new (for me) styles of creating imagery and loving Illustrator.  I'm playing with my sketches and spot color like below.

Still a lot of experimentation going on LOL  Anyway, it's huge fun and I would love to create a brand new portfolio with this as a jumping off point.


When Barbara and I were at the National Stationary Show in NYC, we found these:

I can't wait to try this and will be excited about how it might also add to my sketches.  Additionally, I just received this:

I've got a plan......

Stay tuned and have yourself a wonderful weekend!!!



HollyM said…
I recognized the hollyhocks right away. They're one of my favourite flowers. They are somewhat different for you although they do remind me of some of your early screens. The magnolia for example.
Can't wait to see what you've got percolating.