I'm having a lot of fun using older experimental pieces of artwork to create new designs with for licensing. I absolutely love how my two art worlds continue to feed off of one another this way and you know I'm all about pushing and maximizing my personal imagery. You may remember this journal page:
At one point, I separate the blue flowers by making a color copy of the journal page and then scanned them separately. That way I was able to use them digitally and recolor them and placed them on this digital journal layout.
I love how the images have maintained their hand-painted look and I will be working with more of this same look feel for future designs. Well, I used these same flowers again in one of my repeat patterns below and that isn't even the best one yet! I'm not ready to share the one I love the most as it might be used for upcoming marketing materials for another on-line webinar that I am creating for Quilting Arts! Woohoo!!! Stay Tuned!!!
You can see how my philosophy for repurposing your artwork plays out here from one media to the next. This is one of my favorite designs in that it looks like a batik fabric! I was so excited with the results from all the play. In Adobe Illustrator, you can separate the colored sections from the outline sections and further manipulate the image pieces that you can go back and apply in Photoshop. This version actually has 3 pieces that make up each bunch of flowers. There is a solid version of the entire overall shape of the flower bunch, another layer that applies the painted interior of the flowers that I transformed to a textured brush and then the top layer is the sketchy outlines of the image. Everyday is a learning process with these awesome digital tools!
Stay tuned for new Live Webinar information from Quilting Daily and mark your calendar for February 13th!!!