Where the heck have I been??? Good question :) Working my tush off!!!
Things are changing quickly for me and I feel like I am abandoning my previous art life. Sorry for being silent for way too long but I have good news and bad news. Bad news first, I am moving my blog to my website for convenience purposes. It doesn't currently have all the bells and whistles but that will come with time. The good news is I'm feeling really good about the direction I'm going in. I know I will probably lose some of my followers as I move onto this different path, but I am still here and still sharing art and techniques. So if you would like to come along on this journey, here is where I will be posting!!
Additionally, I just joined Pinterest and you can follow me there as well.
All of my previous postings have been moved over to the new blog and hopefully soon I will have everything put back together.
For those of you who might be saying Goodbye, thank you for all of your comments and support over the past five years. Every accomplishment I've shared with you along the way has brought me to where I am today and I thank you for that.
I hope you join me!