Puppy love!!!! There is nothing better! This is Ralphy and he is my neighbor's 2nd Jack Russell Terrier and cute as a button. His big sister, Bella, gets so excited when she sees me she pees (I tend to have that affect on dogs) but I love her just as much! My neighbors with dogs know that they can always come to me if they need a "puppy sitter". Someday I'll have my own :)
The loft/studio keeps changing as I adapt it to my needs. Thanks to my wonderful "Superman" brother-in-law, I now have a platform 16 feet x 8 feet that is large enough for me to build out a bedroom upon. The step ladder I have been using to climb up on since it is chin height will need to go as I build a version of stairs for access.
I had to move the closet with the design wall behind it in order to accommodate the larger platform so now I need a new design wall.
So knowing that I will be spending a lot more time in front of the computer as I get deeper into surface and pattern design, I figured I would hang pin-up boards on the large wall that my computer table faces. This way I can see my drawings or other pieces of inspiration as I work on my designs. Next step is to hang up the boards.
These pics were taken from standing on the platform.
Here, I'm standing at the other end of the platform from where the bed currently is. It is really big and I can't wait to lay carpet down on it and get another real bed, bureau and TV stand!
I feel like I still need a drafting table but I have enough flat table space to work on now so that will have to wait. I hope you are all having a wonderfully creative weekend!
Love those little dogs! And your new header by the way.