Welcome to Sunday! Are you working on all your last minute gifts as Christmas draws near? I have not even begun my holiday shopping and feel so out-of-touch with the season. We should be getting messy snow this week and hopefully it will start to look a little like the Holidays. Many of you have probably seen the saddest story replaying over the news about the shooting rampage at the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, CT. It's a tough subject for sure and not a topic that should be played out to the extreme the way the media is doing but isn't that always the way. My heart goes out to those families affected by this act that has ripped their hearts and souls apart and I can't even begin to imagine the pain they must be going through.
I just love Sandra Meech's new book, Connecting Design to Stitch! I haven't made my way through the entire book but it is definitely a keeper. Sandra is amazing and I'm enjoying this book even more than her first. This would make a fabulous gift for anyone who loves art quilting and developing designs on textiles!
I want to introduce a friend of mine living here at the Western Avenue Artist Lofts. Suzanne Abrams is an amazing artist that I have come to know. Suzanne is multi-talented in fiber art, painting and paper art and her truly organic style is reflected in all of her artwork. Check out Suzanne's website at http://www.sueabrams.com/ and the workshop she will be teaching on-line, Layered Art Cards, at Joggles.com launching February 14, 2013 seen here.
I also have an on-line workshop at Joggles.com starting March 21, 2013 called Printing The Journal. You can check it out here. Mark your calendars if you are interested!!
Other things I am working on include:
- STENCIL DESIGNS - I haven't promoted my new stencil designs with StencilGirlProducts.com as of yet and will be building more designs in the very near future and make my annoucement and giveaways at that time! Also, there will be another BIG SURPRISE announcement related to stencils within the next few weeks! It's still a secret so I can't let it out of the bag just yet so stay tuned!!
- I'm also finishing up a journal and article for Cloth Paper Scissors for one of their e-mags (not sure which one) that will be coming out soon and I will keep you updated as to the title and expected delivery date.
- Developing another on-line workshop for Joggles.com on my printed paper art quilts as seen in my last post.
It's funny how it has taken me this long to realize (since 1989) that my love for textiles has been a love of surface design and that through all the years since, I have been creating designs on textiles in my own way. Now I have a chance to fuse my digital skills with my image design skills and push it as far as I can. I feel like I have been an arrow that finally just hit its mark on the bulls eye!
Time goes flying by as my weekends are jam packed with "To Dos". I hope everyone enjoys family gatherings and sharing the love this Holiday Season! Please stay safe and healthy and treasure the hours you have with family and friends.
See you next week!
The shootings were a terrible tragedy. It makes me so sad.
You are so busy and prolific!
Love your StencilGirl stencils! Especially the frame!
All the best,