I consider myself a pretty positive person which is why I get aggravated when those critical demons show up making me doubt my abilities to create. Yes, today is one of those days where I'm battling the self-talk. The voice that keeps saying, "who are you to think you can pull off this workshop?" And, "how do you think that is going to look to others?" And, "how did I create all this great imagery," and "do you really think you can teach this to others?"
Yes, that little buzz in my head that makes me cringe, but I keep moving, keep pushing on. It started this morning when I was set up to video backgrounds and I kept yawning. Stop and start again. I messed up my words. Stop and start again. Get through it and then find out that the stupid video recorder is tipped in the wrong direction and I have to do it all over again. LOL Technology....a lifesaver and a royal pain in the butt sometimes. Then looking at the backgrounds I created, the self-talk started, "those look like crap!"
It is no mystery to me that a lot of the imagery I create is serendipitous, unplanned and experimental. Isn't that what a lot of art is? Starting somewhere and pushing and playing until we are rewarded with a beautiful outcome? Of course, that is coming from someone who hasn't had formal art training and everything I do is experimental. The question is, how do you prepare others to be experimental and keep them engaged in the process enough to get them through to the end? One step at a time...
I think if the sun came out today, my attitude would be more on track, but it didn't, so I'm not. I think I will need to go take care of some housework and come back a little later, refreshed! Maybe another cup of coffee...yeah, that too! An hour of gathering inspiration from some of my favorite blogs would help! I'm going to start with one of my favorite inspirations....
I also took a break, did some spring cleaning and by Monday i was back to normal.
When I was younger I had a lot of problems with depression but as I've aged I've come to realize that it's quite normal for a lot of people and that if you get outside or do something physical and get a good night's sleep it will pass. Obviously I'm not talking about really serious depression but I think it's the same with our inner critiques. Sometimes you just need a little distance and when you come back it is with new energy and a fresh.
You'll be back. eye.