Welcome 2012! I still can't believe we are here! I was thinking yesterday of how I had to work on January 1st, 2000 due to the Y2K scare and to think that was 12 years ago already! It is really hard to believe just how fast our lives move and even more important is our need to connect with family, friends, and ourselves each day. In 2012, I resolve to:
- show my love more to my family and friends
- keep the peace in relationships and let go of regrets
- create more harmony and balance in my life
- practice good health
Do you have any resolutions? I would love to hear them!!
BIRDS are on my brain right now. Literally! And as I am writing this post, the sun is shining brightly through my studio window and every once in a while a bird will land on the tree just outside and begin chirping. And I stop...and just listen...because this is one of the things in nature that amazes me. These little bodies of life and energy that symbolize simplicity, freedom and peace to me, that fly all around us all the time yet are so easily ignored.
So today in the studio, I will be playing with images of birds. I have a Thermofax screen with a variety of bird images on it and I printed some yesterday to get some ideas going. Before going to bed last night, I painted a large piece of cotton fabric with gesso and the green paint above and I am going to screen-print all over it and see what I can make from it. It might be another shoulder bag or something else, we will see! I was tied up yesterday so didn't get much done but today and tomorrow are all mine!!!!
I expect I will have more to show tonight and tomorrow so stay tuned! If you haven't seen my post from yesterday, don't forget about the FREE SHIPPING coupon for all orders in my Etsy shop! There are brand new screens in the shop and I'm sure you will find something you like! You can find the coupon code on yesterdays post!
Today, as you recover from last night's celebration, think about what 2012 means to you and how you want to live out this new year!