So I'm feeling like Sundays are the studio day for me. I am trying to get everything done on Saturday so that I can have this one big block of time with as little interruptions as possible. Sounds selfish, I know, but very necessary.
Even with all this time today, I did a lot of staring off into my computer today and flipping through my stack of monoprints in the hopes that some idea would come to me. Well, finally it did (6:00 pm) and I'm really gearing up with it. I've got three new textile layouts very different from what I've done in the past and I'm really going to soak these for everything they've got. I have a good feeling that these will lead me in a new direction for a while.
This picture is the basis for one of the layouts. The imagery is all mine and with the help of Photoshop Elements, I'm creating these central images and then working my way outward in the same method I worked the six quilted collages that will be featured in the April/May Quilting Arts Magazine.
Stay tuned for more......
Even with all this time today, I did a lot of staring off into my computer today and flipping through my stack of monoprints in the hopes that some idea would come to me. Well, finally it did (6:00 pm) and I'm really gearing up with it. I've got three new textile layouts very different from what I've done in the past and I'm really going to soak these for everything they've got. I have a good feeling that these will lead me in a new direction for a while.
This picture is the basis for one of the layouts. The imagery is all mine and with the help of Photoshop Elements, I'm creating these central images and then working my way outward in the same method I worked the six quilted collages that will be featured in the April/May Quilting Arts Magazine.
Stay tuned for more......