I'm loving Maggie Grey's book From Image to Stitch. I feel like it takes my current process to another level that I will enjoy playing with but not so sure it's for me. Still, a fabulous book for anyone who loves creating artwork in digital format and taking it to textiles. I made a trip to Lowell to Friends Fabric Art at the Western Ave Studios to make some new thermofax screens. You can never have enough!!! I will be playing with my new screens today as well as finishing up my wall hanging of Castine.
I was just notified that my Scrap Wisdom Collage article from Quilting Arts Oct/Nov 2008 issue will be included in their upcoming free e-book!!!! Time to do some serious contemplating (13 days left) on what I want the viewers (if any) to see when they go to my website (which I have not been able to update since I posted the pics of that article).
Got to get busy, busy, busy!!!