Today's quote that is feeding into my blog says "The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things." by Henry Ward Beecher. How true this is. Last night I spent a couple of hours just doodling and playing with paint. I definitely enjoyed the process and drew happiness from just moving the markers across my page.
Time to shift over to some major homework. It figures that this last class is the hardest when I am experiencing such a creative high. I finished Sheri Gaynor's book Creative Awakenings: Envisioning The Life of Your Dreams Through Art. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. Even just reading the monthly sections from the heart of the artists that we are inspired by to see how they handle their creative challenges and negative voices. Join Sheri's community by clicking on the badge on the left.
Oh yeah, I have been waking up every morning hearing the amazing sounds of all the birds that are returning to NE as spring approaches. It's such a wonderful sound with loads of promise.